Edible Flowers and Garnishes Guide.
Here are some edible flowers you can find in the garden.
Together, we bloom.
Edible Flowers Guide
Description: Small white, violet or purple coloured flowers. Can be grown in pots, or ground.
Flavour: Slightly sweet peppery flavour similar to kale.
Season: Annual/biennial. Spring to late summer, it will self seed and come back following year if left.
Propagation: Seed raised. Spreads easily via seedling.
Description: Green, shiny leaves. Great for garnishing desserts.
Flavour: Earthy, Slightly celery like taste.
Season: Biennial/perennial. It will self seed if left.
Propagation: Can divide plants, also easy to let self seed.
Description: Small blue/purple Flowers. Use in salads, whole plant is edible. Excellent companion plant.
Flavour: Cucumber.
Season: Annual. Early summer to autumn.
Propagation: Self seed.
Description: Light yellow to deep orange flowers. Use in salads, desserts. Related to marigold.
Flavour: Slightly bitter peppery taste.
Season: Annual which will self seed. Will bloom from Spring to Autumn.
Propagation: Self seed.
Carnation (dianthus family)
Description: Range of colours from white to yellow/pinks can be multi coloured flowers.
Flavour: Sharp and sweet, with a hint of clove and nutmeg.
Season: Some annual and some Perennial (short lived) Spring.
Propagation: Divide.
Corn flower
Description: Tall plant with Blue flower, use in salads, desserts.
Flavour: Delicate Clove like taste.
Season: Annual. Blooming in summer.
Propagation: Can self seed, or save seeds and scatter in garden next season.
Description: Small purple flowers from the her, chives. Use in salads. Good pest repelling qualities
Flavour: Mild to strong Oniony flavour.
Season: Perennial will come back each year. Blooms in late summer/autumn
Propagation: Divide plant in spring or can save seeds in autumn and sow later.
Description: Is part of the daisy family, has a small white flower, often used as a ground cover.
Flavour: Earthy flavor.
Season: Perennial plant, flowering throughout spring and summer.
Propagation: Can take cuttings of Chamomile.
Chrysanthemum (Dahlia Family)
Description: Greens and flowers are both edible. Great coloured flowers, perfect for garnishing desserts or in salads.
Flavour: Slightly floral tasting.
Season: Perennial, flowering late summer to autumn.
Propagation: Cuttings.
Description: Flowers and whole plant is edible. Flowers are great in salads. It has many uses.
Flavour: Strong herb.
Season: Annual, flowers when going to seed.
Propagation: Seeds, can easily self seed if some plants are left to go seed.
Description: Delicate white, pink to orange flowers are edible. Use in salads or as a gorgeous garnish in desserts.
Flavour: Fruity/spicy.
Season: Annuals which are easily grown. Flowering spring – autumn.
Propagation: Seeds, can easily self seed if some plants are left to go seed.
Day lilies
Description: These stunning large flowers are great as garnishes. Whole flowers make awesome edible containers for dips. Cut off before reaching 20cm to prevent them from going tough.
Flavour: Subtle onion, asparagus/pea flavour.
Season: Perennial easy care, blooming from mid summer to early autumn.
Propagation: Divide and replant, early spring or early autumn after flowering.
Description: Single to double blooms, deep reds, to subtle pinks. Use flowers in salads, stirfrys, with seafood and on desserts.
Flavour: Spicy clove like floral taste.
Season: Short lived perennial. Blooming from early spring.
Propagation: Self seeds well. Should regrow each year.
Description: Dahlia Flowers are edible, colours ranging from reds, purples, yellows, oranges. Perfect for garnishing desserts.
Flavour: The flavour can range from water chestnut, spicy apple and carrot like
Season: Perennials, blooming from summer to autumn.
Propagation: From seeds, tubers and cuttings.
Description: All daisy varieties are edible. Use flowers in salads, soups and desserts. When identifying, ensure it is a daisy before consumption.
Flavour: Spicy slightly nutty flavour. Varieties such as Shasta and Oxeye daisy have a very strong flavour, use sparingly.
Season: Spring summer and autumn.
Propagation: Will grow well from seeds, cuttings and division.
Description: Edible flowers, multi coloured, fairy like flowers. Berries are also edible.
Flowers can be battered and cooked, eaten in salads, meat dishes and garnish desserts.
Flavour: Similar to fig or kiwifruit taste.
Season: Perennials. Bloom from Spring to early winter.
Propagation: Cuttings, take these from spring to autumn.
Description: Flowers are edible, if left these will turn into fruit. Petals can be added to salads, while whole flowers can be used to garnish desserts. Great for Christmas decorative desserts.
Flavour: Sweet, slightly musky taste.
Season: Perennial. Flowering spring to summer.
Propagation: Semi hard wood cuttings taken best in late summer.
Forget me not
Description: Small blue flowers on a ground cover like plant. These little blue flowers make a great addition to baked goods, salads and candied blossoms.
Flavour: Mild grassy flavour.
Season: Annual which blooms in spring.
Propagation: Reseeds every year.
Fruit Flowers (Edible)
Description: All edible fruit flowers can be used as decoration, addition to salads and stir frys. Fruit flowers such as strawberry, apple, citrus, berries. Be sure to check if these have been sprayed prior to consumption.
Strawberry flower pictured.
Flavour: Each will have their own flavour.
Season: Each will have their own season.
Propagation: Each variety is different.
Description: Come in different varieties and colours. These are usually pinks and red blooms. Flowers are a great addition to meat dishes, petals in salads and decorations on desserts.
Flavour: Strong aroma and flavour, use sparingly. Different varieties have different flavours such as rose geranium.
Season: Perennial. Spring to late summer flowering.
Propagation: Cuttings.
Kaffir Lime Leaves
Description: Incredible flavour in these leaves, and fruit. Use as leaves garnish, fruit zested or leaves sliced very finely in dishes. Traditionally used in curries, stir frys and soups. Think of it like an aromatic bay leaf.
Flavour: Strong citrus flavour. Leaves can be tough to eat.
Season: All year around Perennial.
Propagation: Cuttings.
Description: Purple bloom of lavender is edible, these can be dried or used fresh. Great in baking and as garnishes.
Flavour: Strong floral taste like the aroma. Drying increases potency.
Season: Perennial. Flowering best from November to February.
Propagation: Cuttings.
Love in the Mist/Nigella
Description: Blue, pink or white stunning bloom with feather like leaves which is edible. Perfect in salads and desserts.
Flavour: Spicy flavour, similar to nutmeg.
Season: Hardy annual. Easy to grow.
Propagation: Grow from seeds. Established plants will self seed naturally.
Description: Great addition to most dishes such as salads, desserts and canapes.
Blooms are usually brightly coloured yellows, to deep reds.
Flavour: Slight bitter, spice flavour.
Season: Annual. Bloom time is summer, autumn and spring.
Propagation: Will self seed naturally.
Mexican Mint Marigold
Description: This fabulous plant can be used in multiple ways. The leaves can infuse water, marinate meat and in summer salads. Flowers can be used in salads also and garnish desserts.
Flavour: Strong sweet anise flavour. Can be dried which intensifies flavour.
Season: Perennial. Late summer to early autumn.
Propagation: Easily grown as cuttings root in water or divide mature plants.
Description: The flowers are usually yellow, orange and reds. Great addition in salads and garnishes for any dish. Leaves are also edible, use in salads and can make a vibrant green oil from them also.
Flavour: Peppery taste.
Season: Annuals which bloom from late spring to autumn.
Propagation: Fast spreading compact plant. Can be grown from seed and root cuttings.
Honey suckle/Lonicera carulea
Description: The honey suckle shrub has edible flowers with a sweet nectar. These flowers can be used in dishes such as desserts as a garnish.
Flavour: Floral perfumed sweet flavour.
Season: Perennial. Blooms in spring.
Propagation: Cuttings work well.
Description: Very similar to the Viola however these are usually larger flowering hybrids. Flowers can be all sorts of colours and usually multi coloured.
Great way to liven up salads and desserts.
Flavour: Fresh spicy, lettuce like flavour.
Season: Compact perennial usually grown as annuals.
Propagation: Seeds and cuttings.
Pineapple sage
Description: Use the bright red blooms in salads and desserts. The leaves are wonderful addition to the kitchen as herbs or even sliced in salads.
Flavour: Strong sweet minty-pineapple flavour.
Season: Perennial. Blooming late summer to autumn.
Propagation: Cuttings
Description: All roses are edible. Their colours are impressive, many different varieties. Use petals in salads, baking, desserts and whole flowers as garnishes.
Flavour: Rose flavour.
Season: Perennial. Blooming spring to summer.
Propagation: Cuttings.
Description: Rosemary is an incredible herb. Its small blue flowers are also an edible garnish. Use in salads, meats, desserts.
Flavour: Rosemary flavour.
Season: Perennial. Flowering in spring.
Propagation: Cuttings work well, root in water. Can be divided if mature plant and has roots.
Description: Very similar to the Pansy however these usually have smaller flowers. Colours can vary significantly and often multi coloured. Use like pansies in salads, garnishes.
Flavour: Fresh spicy, lettuce like flavour.
Season: Perennial which can die in summer heat. Often grown like annuals. Flowering spring and autumn.
Propagation: Cuttings and seeds work well.
Description: Small purple edible flower can be used to crystallise petals, garnish desserts and add into salads.
Flavour: Fresh green pea flavour.
Season: Perennial, summer.
Propagation: Propagate through runners.
Vegetable flowers (Edible)
Description: Edible Vegetable flowers can be used in the kitchen such as courgette flowers can be stuffed and fried, eaten fresh, pumpkin flowers can be added to salads and parts of the artichoke flower.
Flavour: Each plant has its own flavour
Season: Each plant has its own season
Propagation: Each plant propagates
Note: A lot of the flowering plants are great for companion planting and bring bees in for pollination. Flowers treated with insecticides, or any other chemicals may not be edible. Check first before consumption.